Wednesday, June 3, 2015

8 Glorious Hours of Sleep and a Trip Down Memory Lane

I was totally planning my journal post yesterday but I fell asleep at 9 p.m.! I still can’t believe it.

I got 8 glorious hours of sleep!

It’s been so long I’m not sure my body knew what to do at 5 this morning. I felt so refreshed but spacey.

And I’m proud of myself because it was a conscious decision. I was on hyperdrive all day — gym, kids, work, kids, gym, dinner and then Evan asked if I would watch a show with him before bed. I agreed and we cuddled watching the Backyardigans (my personal favorite.) My eyes were so heavy and I was so relaxed I decided to take advantage. I didn’t check my phone or my computer. When the show was over I put him to bed, walked back to my room, shut the TV and I was out. I didn’t even tell The Husband!

I woke up at 4:30 a.m. and patted myself on the back.

I needed that.

I’m now writing this while The Boys are at soccer and hoping for a repeat tonight. That’s why I’m posting early. I’ve been enjoying my daily journals as they give me a much needed outlet but sometimes at the end of the day it’s hard to sit back down at the computer and focus. Especially during FitBloggin‘ season.

Speaking of, planning is, so far, a smashing success. Just look at our awesome agenda! I’ve gotten a lot accomplished the last few days. These last few weeks are crazy but a good crazy. And I can’t wait to see everyone!

While going through some boxes this afternoon I got a little sappy and posted this to Facebook.


I just shared this photo with my partner in crime and co-author of What You Can When You Can, Carla.

I found all the leftover #wycwyc tattoos we made for last year’s FitBloggin while going through and organizing for this year, my last year.

It’s got me a little emotional. I can’t lie.

5 years ago I wrote this…

And it’s still all true.

It’s been quite a ride but it’s time to move on. That’s scary but exciting. I never thought I’d end up here so wondering where I’ll be next seems fruitless.

I’m just going to keep doing what I can when I can — cheesy but true!

I needed to get that out. Thanks for “listening.” :)
Posted by Roni on Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Every year at the conference I have at least 1-2 good cries. I have a feeling this year I’m going to be a sappy mess!

Scratch that.

I KNOW I’m going to be a sappy mess. There’s no 2-ways about it.

Ok, I’ve got to go and clean up before the boys get home. I want to relax with no computer tonight so I can hit the ground running tomorrow.

Have a great night!

Food Journal (a little from memory so I am have missed something)

  • 7:15 a.m. Post-workout Recover Shake (1 scoop)
  • 8:30 a.m. 1 egg + egg white scramble with sweet potato, ham and spinach. Drizzle of Sriracha
  • 10:15 a.m. 1 chocolate chip avocado pancake – I need to share this recipe. They are amazing cold out of the fridge!
  • 12:30 p.m. Panera Soba Noodle Bowl with Chicken
  • 4:30 p.m. Quick spinach salad made with a leftover turkey burger some cheese, bacon bits, pickles an Sriracha.
  • 7 p.m. Chick-Fil-A Cobb salad with grilled chicken, a few fries and a small strawberry Sundae
  • 7:15 a.m. Post-workout Recover Shake (1 scoop)
  • 8:30 a.m. a few cheese and crackers. It was the quickest thing I could grab running out the door.
  • 10 a.m. These amazing tuna salad “tacos” – I was inspired by all the fruit in the house and forgot I defrosted tuna steaks for dinner! This was extremely filling!
    Screen Shot 2015-06-03 at 6.51.43 PM
  • 4 p.m. Pineapple and watermelon while making dinner and helping Ryan with homework
  • 6 p.m. Got fancy with dinner! Tuna steaks with brown rice and pineapple-basil  salsa. Note: I was the only one to eat the salsa. lol
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  • >6 p.m. not sure since I’m posting early. If I get hungry I’m sticking with popcorn or fruit though! :)

Activity Journal

I don’t have time to post everything but today we benched and yesterday we worked on snatch. I’ve also been keeping up with my #milestreak challenge – half walking/half running. I’m feeling really good activity-wise lately. It’s helping me keep sane for sure!

Oh! and my gym now has a program to track our progress. I’m hoping to figure out a way I can make mine public or at least screen shot it in some way.