Friday, April 24, 2015

8 Of Your Embarrassing Sex Questions, Answered With Science

We asked for the science questions you didn’t want your name attached to, and now we’re answering them. This time: morning wood, squirting, and “penis captivus”.

We've answered some of the weirdest requests and ones about bodies. Now we're tackling sex. All questions are pretty much as we received them.

"Can being in a hot tub get you pregnant?"

"Can being in a hot tub get you pregnant?"

Nope, because sperm can't take the heat. BuzzFeed Life spoke to Mary Jane Minkin, MD, clinical professor of obstetrics, gynecology, and reproductive sciences at Yale School of Medicine, for a quiz about what can and can't get you pregnant. She said that if the water temperature is hotter than average body temperature (37ºC or 98.6ºF), sperm will die.

So even if someone literally just ejaculated into the hot tub before you got in (which, ew) the sperm would be dead before they get anywhere close to ~making a baby~.


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