Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Unveiling the New Job–Travel Writing

Quietly back in September I started a new full time job…that’s right RunToTheFinish is no longer my solo full time gig, but it was the catalyst for this new one.

I didn’t mention it in depth because I was waiting on our new site to launch, which happened this week while I am on board the Quantum of the Seas for our 8 day conference. {see the site}Quantum of the Seas from CocoCayAfter sharing this on Instagram, I immediately got lots of questions and of course “OHH I WANT YOUR JOB”. Well let’s back the train up a minute {or boat in this case}….this is a real full time job, not just another bloggie adventure which means it comes with all the pro’s and con’s.

In fact, as we were getting the site ready I spent the bulk of my time writing bios for travel agents. The cruise I’m currently on is our annual conference so over 8 days, I’ll only be on shore for 4 hours…yup it’s a work event.

Still want my job???

Speaking of getting off the ship…it was on CocoCay for a beach party…I felt like it would be way weird to wear a bikini with co-workers, would you agree?? I found a one piece from Juicy Couture…then started thinking, oye I’m old enough to wear a one piece!! Followed by why do I still have all these crazy baby hairs then?!Juicy Couture One Piece

Getting in to the who and what of the company is complicated so let’s put it this way helps travel agents and suppliers {i.e. Royal Caribbean} to get more valuable business and build relationships with customers.

I am the Digital Content Manager on the brand spankin’ new Vacation Insider blog.

As you might guess the goal is to get people excited about travel, share travel stories and guide people towards using a travel agent (who knew they don’t charge fees and actually get you way better deals, yeah I’m learning things). I’m managing the social sharing, additional writers and well all the things I would normally do for my blog, but on a massive scale as there is way more content.Relaxing on CocoCayIt’s been a roller coaster of good and ehh as every job will be, but I’m excited for what’s to come because I do believe in the power of personal stories to share the travel experience and thus those are on my list to make happen!! 

Now I am simply able to talk about travel in multiple different ways…from the wellness and running perspective that I am so passionate about here and the real specifics of locations, resorts, etc on!

This doesn’t mean RTTF is going anywhere, but you’ve probably noticed the pull back to 3 days a week and that’s just to ensure I’m still giving you great stuff without losing my mind. In fact I had a whole week of posts lined up for you and then certain folks backed out, this planner doesn’t care for last minute changes!

I get this one a lot with the blog and yes maybe…but mostly I worked my ass off and I wasn’t afraid to take chances – what’s the worst that could happen” quickly became my motto when ASKING FOR WHAT I WANTED.

I didn’t expect anyone to read my mind. I wasn’t going to take just any position, I really just put out there what I wanted and when this popped up I knew it was a good fit. I could continue working from home, writing on RTTF and having a full time pay check again allowed me to say no to more things on RTTF. The downside…I’m having trouble finding time for the challenges I so love hosting.Ask for what you want and be prepared to get it

I loved writing as a child and said from an early age that’s what I wanted to do. I got on the school newspaper my Sophomore year which wasn’t even supposed to be allowed. I majored in Journalism at the best school in the country. I just didn’t put it all to use right away.

Now I know I have a LONG ways to go to feel like my travel writing is as good as I’d like, but I’m diving in to the deep end and swimming. Just like the content on RTTF improved over the years, I expect it shall on as well.

I took the leap to leave my full time job to do RTTF because I was burnt out.
I took the leap to apply for this job because I enjoyed my travels so much I wanted to write about it {turns out writing about it on a running website never got much traction, you guys didn’t read it}.

Life certainly hasn’t taken the path I expected, but each seemingly random experience has always lead me to the next right step.

Want to see more about Quantum of the Seas or the Bahamas…well guess what, I’ll be writing about it next week on Vacation Insider…see what I did there, yeah cross promotion.

Have you changed careers?

Are you working in your passion?

Other ways to connect with Amanda

Instagram: RunToTheFinishRunning_motivation_thumb

Facebook: RunToTheFinish

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