Thursday, April 30, 2015

Why People Succeed

This image has been floating around on Facebook. I think it originated on the ESLSCA Business School page.


I shared it on my page and immediately typed:

This is why we ‪#‎wycwyc‬ — Giving up isn’t an option. We are patient and believe in ourselves, look towards the future, move past our mistakes, face our fears, anticipate change, take control, grow our confidence, work for what we want, desire success more than failure, visualize our dreams, evolve, give ourselves a break, find support, see failure as an opportunity to learn, and most importantly feel and express gratitude.

Sometimes I think we focus too much on the negative and not enough on the positive. What we can’t eat instead of what can. What we give up to workout not what we gain. What’s wrong with us instead of what’s right. Why we fail instead of why we can succeed.

Positivity is powerful!

Food Journal

  • 7:45 a.m. 1 egg + egg white scrambled with breakfast sausage, potato, bell pepper and spinach topped with a drizzle of Sriracha.
  • 12:25 p.m. Leftover chicken tender and a warm brussels sprout salad made with leftover sweet potato fries and bacon bits.
  • 2:45 p.m. taste tests and experiment for a new chocolate chocolate chip cookie recipe I’m working on for GreenLiteBites
  • 6 p.m. Dinner out at a local restaurant — Edamame split with the family, spinach salad with goat cheese, pine nuts and dried cranberries, a slice of the 4-year-old’s pizza.
  • 8:45 p.m. 2 more of my avocado cookie experiments

 Activity Journal

  • 6 a.m. Skipped the workout and stretched. Worked a little on kipping.
  • 8 a.m. 2 mile run/walk to Evan’s school and back
  • 3:45 p.m. 1 mile run
  • 5:45 p.m. Walk to the restaurant for dinner with the family (we walked home too, of course.)


  • Water ok