Friday, May 1, 2015

23 Things That Happen When You're Struggling To Get Pregnant

If only it were as easy as birds and bees.

Your life is now divided into the two weeks before ovulation and the two weeks after.

Your life is now divided into the two weeks before ovulation and the two weeks after.

Fabiola Lara / Via

And during the "after" weeks, you'll become convinced that every single burp or fart is definitely a sign of pregnancy.

And during the "after" weeks, you'll become convinced that every single burp or fart is definitely a sign of pregnancy.

Derek Erdman /

You buy pregnancy tests in bulk, but still never have enough.

And the single line that used to be such a relief is now your mortal enemy.

And the single line that used to be such a relief is now your mortal enemy.

Fox Searchlight / Via

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